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2 Week Bali and Gili T Itinerary

Bali is a deceptively large island.

When I first started looking up places to go I had the (wrong) idea that we could stay in one spot and do day trips out to various areas. Thankfully we didn’t go with that idea as everywhere turned out to be rather far away and the traffic was horrendous.

As it was our first visit to Bali we wanted to see everywhere, meaning our schedule was accordingly jammed. If I were to go again I would pick just one or two spots to stay and hang out in, but as far as seeing everything I was pretty happy with our itinerary so I thought I would share.

Day 1: Seminyak

Seminyak is an ideal start point as its only 20 minutes drive from the airport. It has a reputation for having a crazy party scene so if clubbing is your thing it would be worth staying there for a weekend.

Shopping was more up our alley then clubbing, which as it turns out is also decent in Seminyak. Plenty of people go just to Seminyak for their two week vacay and base themselves in a resort hotel in the area. Personally, I wasn’t such a big fan of Seminyak, it was a little too touristy and busy for my liking.

Tomas Beach – Uluwatu

Day 2 – 5: Uluwatu

Next on the list was Uluwatu, about an hours drive from Seminyak. I absolutely loved it here! The scenery was rugged and beautiful, and there was such a great selection of places to eat.

The only tricky thing about Uluwatu was getting around as all of the places to see are quite spread out. The best option is to rent a scooter but we weren’t super comfortable with the idea as neither of us had practiced. Getting taxi’s is also tricky as uber is banned. If you opt for the taxi route, your best bet is to get the number of a local driver and just keep using the same one so that you get decent rates.

Day 5- 8: Ubud

Ubud aka Yogi central is a must visit if you haven’t been to Bali before. After spending the day by the beach in Uluwatu it took us two hours in a taxi to get up to Ubud, arriving in time for a late supper.

If you are into raw, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free food then Ubud is where it’s at. Despite my jokes the food scene is actually very good, they do a great job of making healthy food taste and look appealing.

Of course while we were there we had to get into the swing of things… quite literally as we went to an aerial silks yoga class and spent an hour swinging upside down wound up in yellow rope. Perhaps a tad extreme, thankfully there are plenty of normal yoga classes too!

Day 8-10: Gili T

Swing photo – enough said.

Seriously though, I am not a fan of Gili T at all but obviously I didn’t know that before going and I guess the swing photo makes it worth it right?

I realise (and hope) that my experience of Gili T was different from everyone else’s but here is how I break it down: on the plus side- beautiful white sandy beaches, amazing sunsets, and delicious pizza at Regina.

The downside – the streets are filthy, there is trash and mud everywhere, chickens and cows roam around, there are frequent power cuts which means no AC in HOT HOT temps, and the accommodation is not great and much more expensive than Bali.

Day 10- 13: Cannagu

LOVE LOVE Cannagu!! This place was really what I imagined Bali to be like – trendy boutiques, healthy hipster food joints, chilled beach bars, and a generally sweet laid back vibe.

It is a tough call between Cannagu and Uluwatu as to where I liked more, but I think I would nearly have to say Cannagu simply for the reason you can walk to everywhere.

It is also a great spot for surfing from beginners up to the pros, where as the break in Uluwatu is right onto coral so you’re going to want to be a bit experience to handle it.

In summary I totally loved that we got to see everywhere in Bali but there is no way I would plan a trip like it again haha! If I were to go back I would base myself in Cannagu most likely and maybe venture for a few days to Uluwatu, but I would definitely keep the travel and changing hotels to a minimum.


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