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Après Ski Madonna Di Campiglio

Have you ever eaten in a restaurant that can’t be reached by foot, car or boat?

Well as promised here are the details about one such restaurant in Madonna Di Campiglio!

My friend Matteo had arranged the dinner as a surprise for the rest of the group and other than mentioning that the restaurant had a pick up point (?!) he kept his mouth firmly shut, refusing to give away any other details. Being the inquisitive person that I am I of course pleaded for more info and secretly prayed that our evening meal didn’t involve a hike up the mountain in the dark.  These thoughts were in no way relieved when he mentioned that suede boots might not be a good idea for this dinner!

And I thought this was extreme…

Dressed for anything, and in my case fearing that I might have to work for my dinner, we arrived at a car park a couple of minutes drive outside of Madonna Di Campiglio. There was great commotion going on slightly ahead of us, so thinking it may be the answer to the nights mystery we quickly raced up to see what was going on.

Lined up on what appeared to be the end of ski slope were several snow cats! Far more exciting than simply driving up to a restaurant.

Our Ride

The restaurant we were going to is called Ristorante Malga Montagnoli, and it is located mid way up a ski slope in Monte Spinale. During the day it operates as a casual lunch spot for skiers and snowboarders, and once the slopes close the candles are whipped out and it becomes a romantic dinner destination that can only be reached by snowcats.

Tanya climbing into Husky the snow cat

The restaurant offered three different set menus to choose from, which varied from two to four courses. Within each menu there were plenty of options, and the cost of transport was included in the menu price: approximately 40 Euro for three courses.


The restaurant itself was so Alpine in design that it would have made Heidi proud.

Ristorante Malga Montagnoli

Unlike our usual gluttonous selves we selected the two courses menu, though it did automatically come with antipasti so was hardly a sacrifice on our part.

The starters alone nearly included nearly full meals worth of food and of course I just couldn’t resist the bottomless baskets of bread that were placed on the table.

I opted for the chicken schnitzel as a main which was very tasty but not as interesting as Raeesa’s dish which turned out to be a massive block of fried cheese… yup just cheese!

Chicken Schnitzel

Cheese and Potatoes?

Feeling slightly guilty about my over indulgence in bread and cheese I steered clear of chocolate cake for dessert and ordered a crepe.. ok not exactly a fruit salad but in my mind it was the healthy option…

Fruit Salad

All in the food was definitely very tasty, and of course Italian (gotta keep it authentic) but the experience of dining midway up a mountain was really what made it.

That Mountain Vibe

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