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Canada’s Cutest Town

Ok the title is a fairly big claim, especially when you consider I have only seen about 0.1% of Canada, but still … I challenge you to find somewhere cuter.

A little while back I went for a sojourn to Canada for a friends wedding just outside of Ottawa. After that it was on to Toronto to catch up with my friend Emily for a long weekend.

We ambled around the city for the first day taking in the sights before making plans to check out Niagara Falls.

We booked onto a one day tour from Toronto which really saved us the hassle of having to rent a car or find public transport, and when you consider all that was included it was a decent deal.

Thankfully the tour left at a reasonable hour of 10am rather than the crack of dawn. This may have been because our first stop was at a winery! It would have been a little odd to be drinking at 7am, but of course 11am was totally reasonable.

The Niagara reason is famous for ‘Ice Wine’, which is super sweet dessert wine made from crushing frozen berries during the winter. In fact the vast majority of the world’s ice wine comes from this region.

It is probably not the best if you are on a diet as a glass has more sugar than a coca cola, but it was a nice treat.

From there we ventured to the Niagara on the Lake – aka Canada’s cutest town. Seriously, this place was gorgeous!!

The 19th century architecture and the adorable shops selling tea and cakes or handmade soaps were so quaint.

I just loved the B & B’s dotted around with their front porches and beautiful gardens.

I also found my dream hotel for if I ever start making $$$! The Prince of Wales Hotel is Niagara-on-the-Lake’s most famous hotel and has played host to various members of the Royal family. Its vintage charm and luxurious decor would make it an ideal weekend getaway spot.

Once our time was up in Niagara on the Lake it was time for the Falls! They really were a sight to behold. I feel so lucky to have seen them.

We initially weren’t so sure about the boat trip as it seemed a little touristy and perhaps a tad pointless – you can’t really see the Falls when you are under them – but our fun side won out and we went anyways.

Looking back I think it was worth it, we of course couldn’t see much due to the vast quantities of water crashing down and the associated mist but it was awesome to get a sense of how powerful the Falls are.

When we ascended from our little boat adventure we found a beautiful rainbow had stretched over the Falls! A perfect ending to our trip!


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