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Danish Adventures

What to see in Copenhagen

After a fabulous meal at Work in Progress we rose bright and early the next morning to go explore the Danish capital.

Colours of Copenhagen

We only had one full day in Copenhagen so to try and use our time wisely we went on a walking tour of the city.

I have never been on a free walking tour before but I was so glad Michael suggested it, it saves endless time staring at old buildings trying to figure out what they are from the map.

McDonalds.. ruining historical buildings since 1940

I also eavesdropped on all the other walking tours going on and each tour guide was so good. They didn’t just ramble on for ages about historical dates and facts instead they added in a few tales of scandal and unrequited love between Nazi officers and Danish ladies… juicy!

Our stroll around the city took about two and a half hours as we wandered by Christiansborg Palace to Nyhvan Dock and onto the Amalienborg Palace where the royal family reside.

I learnt the royal family like to go for walks with their dog and they send their kids to a public school down the road, so very egalitarian.

Once our tour ended we went in search of the essential Copenhagen attraction, the mermaid.

Essential Copenhagen Photo

Once this was checked off our list we realised we very hungry creatures so headed to the Copenhagen Street Food Market that my friend Alex had recommended.

In our quest for food we ended up in a hippie commune… as you do.

Christiania is a self proclaimed autonomous neighbourhood and home to 850 residents participating in communal living.

The rules of Christiania are clear; don’t run, no photos, and have fun.

My friend Michael and I, not in Christiania because the no photo rule is a bummer

As I couldn’t take any snaps inside I will do my best to describe how bizarre this place is. Once you enter you find 15-20 tents covered in green army camouflage material and inside them are masked pot dealers.. openly trying to advertise how cheap their weed is compared to the tent next door.

Worth a visit, just for the novelty!

Once we had returned to the EU we finally found the market which was in a huge warehouse with all sorts of food and clothes stalls.

Love it!

I went for some traditional Danish cuisine.

Surf & Turf Burger

Ok next time I promise to venture out, I did take a photo of my friends fish and chips as a small consolation.

The food gave us just enough energy to make it back to our hotel as by this stage my feet were so sore and I was a very grumpy monkey.

We couldn’t bring ourselves to do much in the evening but the following morning we went for one last wander around the city and then met up for a lovely chat with our friend Graham in the Greasy Spoon.

Greasy Spoon

If you are ever looking for some casual comfort food at a price that won’t break the bank the Greasy Spoon is a great spot!


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