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Day Trip to Montserrat

So the main reason I trekked up to Montserrat was to take a photo of a staircase leading to nowhere…

Though in fairness, how epic are those stairs? Or ‘monument’ if you are being fussy.

Eeek photo by @doyoutravel

I first came across them on Instagram when Jack from @doyoutravel posted a picture of himself standing on the top. If you follow his account, which I would highly recommend, you will soon find that he has a thing for trying to defy death by standing on nauseatingly high ledges.

The man is cray photo by @doyoutravel

I tried, not so subtly, for days to convince everyone that Monserrat was a must do activity. Alas, I mostly failed as everyone aside from Prima decided to stay in bed.

However, despite being rather sleepy and missing the rest of the group we were delighted with ourselves once we got there as it was BEAUTIFUL!

The trip from Barcelona took an hour by train followed by a 5 minute cable car up to the Monastery.

To dissuade urban legend (I’m looking at you Catherine) it is not actually that much colder at the top. I would recommend a jumper or jacket depending on the season but you can rest assured that you will survive without your arctic getup.

Once at the top we headed straight for the cafe to get some much needed caffeine! Ok we didn’t actually wake up thaaaat early but we had been out late the night before exploring Barcelona.

Feeling refreshed, we went off in search of the stairs. There is actually a fence around them and a big sign saying “do not climb”,  I guess they are dangerous .. who would have thought? So after momentarily debating if we should ignore the warning, we decided to stay on the safe side and find a nearby ledge instead.

If you want to work on your core I would highly recommend yoga at a height… the fear of falling to an untimely death does wonders in terms of activating your muscles!

On the downside, visions of plummeting several thousand feet were really not all that zen, so we changed our tune and settled on some low key meditation.

Unfortunately our time was rather limited in Montserrat as we had to get back to Barcelona for our flight. We did manage a quick look around the Monastery which was beautiful, but we didn’t get a chance to do any of the other walks around the area.

The scenery all around the area is stunning, so I would recommend you save a day for the trip if you can.

Well, that’s a wrap on our little escape to Montserrat. Our train and cable car tickets came to 20 euro return per person and you can find the train timetable here.

Montserrat + Barcelona Vlog

We were actually so efficient with our day tripping that we had time for one last treat before heading to the airport…

Chocolate and Churros at La Granja

Until next time Barcelona!

For more Barcelona posts and info on where we stayed and what we got up to you can check out here and here!


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