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Dinner at Cipriani NYC

I was a late night arrival into New York’s Penn Station after my little jaunt to Washington DC.

Despite the lateness of the hour, a night in NYC should never be wasted!

So I hopped off the Acela Express (incredible train by the way, would totally recommend) and dashed up the platform to find Tunde who was patiently waiting for me.

My New York family… taken on our last adventure in Brooklyn

Together we made our way to one of my favourite spots in the city, Grand Central Station.

This place never fails to make me smile, it is just so pretty!

It is also a top notch destination for people watching.

Once we arrived we found the other part of my New York family, Anj who thankfully was just as late as we were… timing is obviously not the groups strong point.

We decided on Cipriani for dinner. If you haven’t heard of Cipriani you really need to climb out from whatever rock you are living under.

The first venture by the Cipriani family was Harry’s Bar in Venice which was opened in 1931. A favourite of Ernst Hemingway and home to the Bellini cocktail, Cipriani expanded and now comprises of several restaurants and bars across the world.

I have been to a couple Cipriani’s in New York and London and they are the perfect go-to spot for some solid Italian food and good cocktails.

Speaking of cocktails, it wasn’t long before Tunde and I ordered their famous Bellinis! Definitely a good way to start a meal.

We weren’t too enamoured with any of the starters, so we jumped straight ahead to the main course.

Anj and I both went for risotto, yes I know I order risotto everywhere I go but it is just so tasty!

Tunde branched out and had the salmon which he reported back as being up to standard.

For dessert we had everything…

Not really, that was just the tray they bring out so you can select what you would like.

Anj and I pretended to be good and let Tunde order the guilt ridden chocolate cake, which of course we helped him scoff down.

Not before trying to take an artsy photo of the cake…

It didn’t quite work out as planned…

Tunde is of course delighted he joined us for dinner..

Until next time New York! Liakada


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