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Dinner at the Four Seasons Dubai

“All that glitters…”

Is not gold according to Shakespeare, but in Dubai who knows!

After our crazy Maasai adventures Bryony and I turned things up a notch and went on a spontaneous trip to Dubai.

We knew things were going to get interesting when we landed at 10 pm at night and it was 39 degrees.. HOT HOT!

Four Seasons Dubai

Walking outside was like stepping into a furnace, but they really ramp up the AC everywhere you go so it wasn’t too much of a problem.

Desert Views

On our first night we stayed in downtown Dubai which is closer to the airport than all the beach hotels.

View from our room at the Radisson

We decided to wake up early to make the most of the pool before we sizzled like eggs in a frying pan.

Our next port of call was Mall of the Emirates, yes the mall with the ski slope in the middle of the desert!

The Mall of the Emirates was full of hot shots carrying about 10 Gucci shopping bags each, great place for people watching.

I’d love to tell you about all the exciting things we bought but we totally failed on the shopping front and came back with one arm as long as another.

We didn’t let that dampen the mood though as we were very excited to head out to the Four Seasons for dinner at Sea Fu.

Sea Fu at The Four Seasons Dubai

As soon as we arrived at the BEAUTIFUL Four Seasons we were told to go downstairs, follow the path outside, and turn right at the fireball to get to Sea Fu…

Path to Sea Fu… Finding the fireball

We weren’t quite sure what they meant by “fireball” but sure enough there was a giant fireball, excellent!

We had been saving ourselves all day (well sort of) so we were starving by the time we arrived and we couldn’t wait for all the foodie delights that Sea Fu had to offer.

But first wine…

And an adorable beetroot amuse bouche.

For starters I had the Chef’s recommend dish of ‘Abalone & Duck Foie Gras’ served with garlic, parsley, and Jerusalem artichoke puree.

This was my first time trying Abalone, it was similar to calamari only more chewy which was a perfect mix with the butter-smooth foie gras.

Bryony went for the ‘Deep-fry Soft Shell Crab’ served with spring onion, black pepper, and a honey sauce.

While eating Bryony threw out a fantastic number of words describing the dish which I couldn’t possibly do justice to but it was along the lines of “crispy”, “spicy”, “sweet”, “yum!”.

For the main course I ordered the ‘Lobster Macaroni’… Mmmm look at those bubbles!

The sauce was very full on cream wise with a slight chilli kick to it.

Bryony went for the eat clean option of ‘Seared Black Cod’ served with papaya salad, bean sprout, and yuzu dressing.

Aren’t those miniature carrot creations just the cutest?

We simply couldn’t decide what to have for dessert.

So we had everything!

I loved the unique ice cream flavours. We gulped down sesame ice cream, avocado and lime sorbet (not my favourite), and balsamic vinegar ice cream (surprisingly sooo good!).


After all of our munching we went for a bit of a wander around the hotel….

“The greatest tranquility is when we desire nothing”

Posed for lots of photos..

And admired all the shiny things!


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