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Easter Sun Holiday in The Seychelles

A few months back my mum called me with one of the best questions one could ever hear…

Empty Beach on Mahé Island

Would you like to go to the Seychelles? Eh… let me see, could I possibly spare time to go to an exotic group of islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean…hmmm

The decision was definitely a tough one, but somehow I think I got it right…


We arrived at Mahe International Airport over Easter weekend, in a commercial airline carrier, yes that is something you have to specify when talking about the Seychelles as headline news over there was that the airport was too full of private jets that there was not enough room for anyone else.. tough times!

Perfectly clean windows on Kenya Airways

On our way to our hotel we listened to “Paradise FM” the Seychelles’ number one (and possibly only) radio station, excellent for setting the mood for the trip.

We checked into The Savoy Resort & Spa, a large and beautiful hotel located on the north west side of the island on the Beau Vallon Beach, one of the most popular beaches in the Seychelles.

Savoy Resort & Spa Seychelles

I was delighted with my room, it was so bright and airy and most importantly it had a really strong AC.

The bed was big and comfortable, very facilitating for my 10 hour plus snoozes (it was a holiday!)

My favourite part of the room definitely had to be the bath!


It was huge and the room came equipped with ample bubble bath equipment.

Out on the verandah I could see the sea and the pool and it proved to be the perfect shaded retreat from the burning sun… it was so so hot.

Sunsets in the Seychelles make photography easy

After the essential bubble bath I threw on the lightest dress I had then ventured down to dinner at the hotel’s main buffet restaurant.

Of course I took a snap of the desserts… yummm. There was actually a huge selection of desserts but there were always plenty of people milling around the table debating what to indulge in so didn’t manage to photograph the selection.

The following nights we went to the beach bar instead which was much more my scene.. groovy lights, lounge music, table service = perfect!

See.. I do eat fruit

On our first day we arrived a little too late to explore the hotel properly so I saved it until the next morning.

The gardens were beautiful and full of lush greenery, though it is beyond me how they keep them that way as I was wilting and dying in the heat.

Dress from Forever 21

The pool area was like a picturesque sauna – bear in mind as you read this that I would blend nicely into most white walls so you may fare better in the heat than I – in terms of keeping cool the beach was where it was at.

Uh Huh Honey

Trees, shade, cool sea breeze… what more could you want!

Seychelles Sunset

In the afternoon we rented a car and went off exploring but rather than cram this all into one essay post I shall save the details for later.

In the meantime if you would like to see more about the Savoy I did try vlogging about my room and I brought the camera on a little tour of the hotel, I know, so very high tech!


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