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In Need of Vitamin Sea

Best Beaches in Sabah

My Instagram account has taken on a new theme in the last couple of weeks…

Endless beach and sunset photos!

I know I am probably making those of you in the UK and Ireland sick with all the sunshine posts but I just can’t help it, it is so pretty here.

As for a little background info on how I ended up in Kota Kinabalu in Borneo.. well I’m lucky enough to have friends working as doctors here and they set me up with an elective in the hospital.

So during the week I go into the hospital and do some learning and then on the weekends it is BEACH TIME!

 Praveena enjoying some well deserved beach time!

We have made it our mission to try and discover all the best beaches close to Kota Kinabalu so this is what we have found so far… also when I say ‘we’ I really mean what Praveena has found and then shown me..

Mankuan Island photo credit – Sutera

Tanjung Aru Beach

Tanjung Aru is the closest beach to the city and is also a perfect place to watch the sunset.

Sunset Bar at Tanjung Aru

Praveena and I went here to watch the sun go down on my very first night in Borneo.

We checked out the Sunset Bar at the Shangri-La Resort and toasted to all the adventures yet to come!

Dalit Bay

Dalit Bay is around a 45 minute drive from Kota Kinabalu and offers an endless stretch of white sandy beach..

Dalit Bay Sabah

Praveena was post call so as she relaxed under the umbrella I worked on my tan.

I am determined to come back a shade darker than my current ‘ghost white’ status.

If you are up for a little more activity than just lying there baking then Dalit Bay is a great spot because it offers a range of watersports including jet skiing, windsurfing, and catamaran sailing.

Getting ready for action!

Karambunai Beach

My favourite thing about the beaches in Sabah is that there is practically nobody else on them.

Karambunai Beach

Not only does this make me look far more adventurous and exotic than I actually am, but it also perfect for photo taking…

Karambunai is a 40 minute drive from Kota Kinabalu and the Nexus Resort and Spa is located there if you are looking for a bite of lunch!

Manukan Island

How beautiful is that? photo credit – Manukan Island

Island hopping is a big thing in Sabah, these are so many beautiful little gems dotted around.

View of Kota Kinabalu from the speedboat

So far we have only been to one.. probably doesn’t quite count as ‘hopping’ but it was amazing!

Island Resort… THE DREAM!

Clear blue waters, brightly coloured fish, palm trees….. PARADISE!

Manukan Island

As you can probably tell I am loving it here so far. There is still lots to discover so I will keep the blog updated as my best beach hunt in Sabah continues… Happy Travels!


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