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Little India in Penang

The first stop in Penang after getting off a seemingly endless series of flights from Europe was Little India….. Ok ok we actually first stopped at That Little Wine Bar, a lovely place hidden amongst large old colonial buildings in Georgetown. The wine list was extensive and the waiters were friendly, exactly what I needed!

Tandoori Chicken at Kapitan

Next was Kapitan, an institution in Penang open 24hours a day and serving food cooked fresh in front of you. We ordered the tandoori chicken and a Milo ice, both were delicious and came to under €3!

Milo Dinosaur 

If you have not heard of Milo, and I fear many of my European friends have not, it is a must try! A chocolate power drink that can be served hot or cold… or in some cases just eaten straight from the tin 😉

A few days later it was time to go on a sari hunt! So after a breakfast filled of unknown tasty items recommend to me by a friend we hit the shops of Little India.  If you like me are not a connoisseur in Indian cuisine then the wait staff are very happy to recommend traditional dishes.

Breakfast in Litte India

Tissue Roti

A selection of curries being prepared for lunch

The selection of saris, kurtis and jewellery was unparalleled to anywhere I have been before. As a westerner its worth bearing in mind that prices are not fixed in many of these shops and you will have to bargain.

Follow me on twitter: @LiakadaTravel

Cooking Roti on the streets of Little India

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