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Living on Stilts in Langkawi

If you like endless stretches of white sandy beaches and turquoise blue water, you will like Langkawi.

This killer combination might play a small role as to why this archipelago of islands is so popular.

There are a number of ways to get to Langkawi, and by number I mean two, and by two I mean if you are sensible unlike myself there is really just one option and that is to fly. However, if you are like myself and book the ferry from Penang, be prepared for 3 and 1/2 hours in the underbelly of a tiny boat cramped up next to your fellow passengers.

In my defence I thought the ferry ride was only an hour and you would be sitting out in the open air looking at all the pretty islands. I could not have been more wrong. You would think as a blogger I would have researched it, I did not, but on the plus side I lived to tell the tale and now you know that flying is the way to go.

Once we arrived in Langkawi we made our way to Ombak Villa, where we would be staying for the next few days. I loved how spacious my room was, perfect for the excessive amount of stuff I seem to travel with.

I really need to become better at packing, lugging around the equivalent of a teenager in weight is no fun.

The bathroom was equally roomy and fitted with robes which I am always a fan of!

The food was decent, though not particularly note worthy. The restaurant could do with a bit of sprucing up so on the other nights we ate out.

One of my favourite spots was the beautiful Rhu Bar at the Four Seasons. If you are in Langkawi you have to hit this place up, just look how perfect that beach is! Though make sure to call ahead as otherwise they won’t let you in at the gate.

Another place worth a try is Fat Cupid. This cute little restaurant serves a range of cuisine with the theme of “food our Nyonya Grandmother would make”.

If you are in the mood for something sweet then I would definitely recommend La Chocolatine for delicious home made french goodies.

During the day we mostly lazed by the pool which had a terrific view out to sea.

If you are feeling more adventurous the Dalit Golf Club is world famous and easily one of the most beautiful courses I seen. Or of course you can go to the spa!

Many Malaysians come across from the mainland for the duty free shopping in Langkawi, personally I didn’t find anything that I liked but perhaps I wasn’t looking in the right places.

Have you been to Langkawi? What did you get up to when you were there?


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