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Pink Flamingos and Luxury Airbnbs in Penang

Pink Flamingos are Instagram gold.

Seriously, during summer in Australia barely a day went by without seeing a snap of one of these creatures or their inflatable white unicorn counterparts floating around a fabulous infinity pool or perched on a white sandy beach.

I simply had to get one, but there was one small issue… I had absolutely no space left in my luggage. Packing for a 3 month trip with a 20kg luggage allowance turned out to be quite the challenge, especially as in reality I had about 30kg of stuff.

I initially thought the way around this issue would be to buy a flamingo at the airport to take as hand luggage for my two week break to Penang. Unfortunately, I was flew out of Auckland rather than Sydney airport meaning that the duty free was more of an endless collection of wool based souvenirs rather than inflatable animals.

I was just about to give up on my pink flamingo ambitions when I decided to type in “pink flamingo Penang” into google. Amazingly, the first hit I got was on a float rental company based in Penang.

I quickly got in touch with the company via facebook and they confirmed they had exactly what I needed. Slightly worrying was that they did not have an actual shop but instead operated out of a food stall in a hawker market. Though having come this far nothing could deter me, so a price was set, a pick up point arranged, and off we went!

The next mishap was the lack of wifi at the food court and thus my sole means of communicating with the float rental company were cut off.

I had literally no idea which stand to go to. Due to a lack of a better option I started showing random hawkers a picture of a pink flamingo float on my phone. The first few looked at me like I was crazy, until finally one slightly nodded his head and pointed in the direction of a corner shop. I took my picture and small bundle of cash over to the shop and ta-da – SUCCESS!

I somehow managed to rent a pink flamingo in Penang for the duration of my holiday, no baggage space required.

To show off my new acquisition I needed the perfect pool, and thankfully with our very luxurious airbnb I found one! This airbnb in Penang was my 2nd ever airbnb stay and I was really very impressed.

The apartment was incredibly spacious, bright and airy. Though in real talk I would return for the view alone. How stunning!

The apartment was located in Batu Ferringhi, just a few minutes stroll to the beach and the well known night market. If you wanted to go into George Town itself it was a 20 minute uber away. I honestly could have moved in for a month.

I am really coming around to the airbnb idea. It is just so nice to be able to have that bit more space and to be able to prepare your own food if you want to. I have of course heard horror stories though.

Have any of you tried airbnb? What are your thoughts on it?


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