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Robe Life in Budapest

Luxury Stay at the Kempinski Corvinus Budapest.

To say my trip to Budapest got off to a rocky start would be an understatement.

A last minute change in schedule meant I had to cancel my morning flight out of Dublin and rebook for the afternoon via London.

Problem two occurred when Ryanair Dublin to London was an hour and a half late… I could go into a lengthy description of how I trekked across the English countryside trying to get a late night flight from a different airport, but really it was not in anyway fun or glamorous so I shall move swiftly on…

When I did finally arrive in Budapest I jumped straight into a cab and headed to the Kempinski Corvinus, which is perfectly located right in the centre of the city.

Life then took a massive up turn with some champagne brunching, but more on that later.

Benediction Brunch at Kempinski Corvinus

After brunch we went on a tour of the hotel.

Walking through the royal suite took a good ten minutes..

Seriously, it was about double the size of my apartment. What am I doing wrong in life?

I think I would be perfectly suited to sipping champagne on the daily, looking out at the city skyline.

Before of course retiring to wonderful bubble bath, surrounded by glistening marble countertops.

Though I do have a slight bone to pick regarding the bathroom toiletries… on the second morning I jumped into the shower to discover that the toiletries had not been replaced leaving me with only a smidgeon of shampoo to wash my lengthy locks.

After our tour we partook in my favourite hobby, lounging around…

Robe life, you can’t beat it! When I eventually stopped being lazy we crossed the river to the Buda side of the city and checked out Fisherman’s Bastion and Buda Castle.

In the evening we had a rather unusual meal in a restaurant near our hotel.

No really, it was weird.. I had cheese deep fried in cornflakes?!

Mazel Tov

Hmmm… anyways, we then popped across the street to Mazel Tov, one of Budapest’s famous Ruin Bars.

We watched as an endless stream of cake came out the kitchen, so we jumped on the bandwagon and ordered some for ourselves.

Again, I am not sure if we were just having a bad day or if Hungarian tastes are very different to what we are used to, but the cake was rock hard. We even tried spearing it with a fork, but alas the fork then got stuck in the cake.

Either way I loved Mazel Tov, the atmosphere was great and I could never complain about a gin cocktail!

The following morning we had great plans to get up for sunrise. We then realised sunrise was at 5.30am so we hastily dropped that idea, blaming it on the weather.

The photo we missed photo credit: smugmug

So at the crack of 10.30am we trundled down to the enormous breakfast room at the Kempinski.

I must confess that I have actually stayed at the Kempinski Budapest before with my mum, and we often talk about how amazing the breakfast was.

Did it live up to the memory? Well there was definitely as much choice as before, but the layout had somewhat changed and I found it a little confusing.

Though a major win was that there was table service for hot food! YAS! It seems to be far too frequent an occurrence these days that 5 star hotels don’t have an egg chef so I was delighted that I could have a made to order omelette.

It was delicious, and I quickly cleaned my plate.

In keeping with our morning of leisure, our post-breakfast activity was to go to the spa.

It felt so luxurious to be able to swim right in the city centre, plus it nearly counts as exercise right?

Sadly it was then time to check out, I said farewell to my comfy robe and headed off to explore more of the city.


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