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Spa Time in Marrakech

For our last night in Marrakech, Prima and I opted for a change of pace and a more traditional Moroccan experience.

La Sultana Marrakech

We moved home to the beautiful Riad Bahia, one of the five Riads in La Sultana, a luxury boutique hotel quietly tucked away in the heart of Marrakech.

Riad Bahia at La Sultana

Each of the five Riads is styled to a unique theme, Riad Bahia was an ode to serenity and calm with its white stucco work and clean crisp feel.

Moroccan art work at La Sultana

Before I tell you all about the room an essential pause for tea is needed!

Traditional Moroccan Tea

We were welcomed to La Sultana with some traditional Moroccan tea served with sweet treats such as Baklava.

Tea was served on top of the 360 degree rooftop terrace which gave us a perfect chance to have a snoop around.

As we strolled around the garden oasis overlooking the rooftops of Marrakech, it was as if we somehow managed to enter our own little bubble of peace, protecting us from the chaos of the Kasbah.

Rooftops of Marrakech

Our suite was a complete delight, it was styled in a traditional fashion with the most gorgeous antique furniture.

All the intricate wooden carvings were so beautiful and exotic.

Entrance to our suite

As you might have figured by now I am really into baths, so I was only too happy to see this beauty… If this is how the Sultans lived back in the day then count me in!


Once we had checked into the room we wasted no time in changing to go for a quick dip. Amazingly, there were two sun hats left for us in the room.. way to go La Sultana for the attention to detail!

As much as our little pool was gorgeous and cute we thought it might be better to move to the actual pool.

At night tables are placed all around the pool for guests and visitors to indulge in the incredibly romantic setting.

Oh la la

If you feel like going out La Sultana is so central that it is easy to venture to places such as Bo-Zin (read here) like we did.

After a night on the town I somehow managed to wake up super early and misread the time on my phone and then called a very unimpressed Prima to wake up well before it was a reasonable hour to do so.

Dancing all the way home

Thankfully breakfast was delicious so Prima wasn’t too mad at me 😉

I went for the traditional Moroccan breakfast and subsequently ate enough for all of Morocco. Prima on the other hand was much more constrained with her poached eggs.

Traditional Moroccan Breakfast: all mine aside from the mushrooms and the poached eggs ..oops

Once we had filled our tummies we continued with our life of leisure and luxury and made our way to the spa for massages.

Spa at La Sultana Marrakech

We chickened out of getting the traditional Hammam, I know I am sorry.. terrible travel blogger behaviour! Instead we went for full body massages.


The spa was so incredibly beautiful I could have easily passed days paddling around trying to find inner peace or what not.


When we finally surfaced totally relaxed and ready for anything we stepped outside the front door and find ourselves to be instantly wrapped in the hot dust of Marrakech.

Streets of Marrakech

We wandered down for lunch and then on to the Royal Palace.

We were told off for taking photos of the Royal Palace so here is a photo of my feet

Sadly our time was rather limited but La Sultana really is the perfect location for site seeing!


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