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The G Hotel, Galway

Right before a rather nasty set of exams in December we decided to give ourselves one last session of R & R before really knuckling down. 

Lobby at the G Hotel

Galway City is a 2 hour drive from Dublin, where we are based, so it was the perfect choice for a one night escape. 

Galway City

We left it to the very last minute to book but we managed to get lucky and my lovely boyfriend treated us to a luxury double room at the g hotel, a 5 star hotel designed by famous milliner Philip Treacy. 

Morning Essentials

When you walk into the g hotel it is hard not to be struck by the, some may say ‘crazy’, design of the lobby and tea rooms.. There is an intense amalgamation of brightly painted walls, boldly striped fabrics, and metallic furniture.

Afternoon Tea Room at the G Hotel

 Despite the over the top decor it amazingly manages to pull off a funky yet luxurious vibe. Though perhaps this is less surprising if you have ever seen one of Philip Treacy’s hats.

The check in staff were a little rigid but no arguments or drama so can’t really complain. Once that was done we headed straight up to see the room. In contrast to downstairs the room design was very simple with creams and browns dominating the colour scheme.

Luxury Double Room at the G Hotel

I loved how spacious the room was and the very comfy sofa in the middle of the floor. The welcome cupcakes were equally a nice touch, tasty!

Welcome Cupcakes.. yummm

The bathroom was spotless and modern with a massive shower and stand alone bath tub, exactly what I needed to unwind! The only disappointment was that despite booking a luxury room we had no view of the sea, instead the room looked out onto a car park. 

After a little rest… alright a 2 hour nap.. we headed out to dinner at Aniar Galway’s first and only Michelin starred restaurant. It was an interesting experience to say the least so I will save the exact details to another post.

Dinner at Aniar

If tasting menus are not your thing then no need to panic, Galway is a perfect spot for all types of food consumption and everywhere you go is lively and friendly. 

It is also great fun for a night on the tiles, there is plenty of choice between nightclubs such as Karma to pubs playing traditional Irish music. I personally like the Front Door, a very popular pub that plays pop music at night… and you never know ladies you might just meet your very own Gerard Butler (DREAMY). 

Gerard Butler Singing Galway Girl

After not that much eating… sorry Aniar it just wasn’t meant to be, we returned to our massive bed at the g hotel only to then try and wake up early for a spa appointment. Definitely not the best time to book a spa appointment, what where we thinking? Anyways we of course failed miserably at waking up so instead headed down for pancakes a couple hours later.

Breakfast at the g hotel

The spa did look extremely luxurious and zen, if one were to book it a bit later I’d say it would be great. 

The Spa

Once we had munched on a sufficient number of pancakes we decided to drag out our freedom a little longer and go to the Christmas Market in Erye Square followed by a bit of a meander around the shops…Though not before taking artsy shots in the wardrobe mirrors and a few selfies!


Selfie Time

Eyre Square is in the heart of Galway City and well worth a stroll around at anytime of the year. Adjoining the square is shop street, which is just what it says on the tin.. a street of shops. At the end of Shop Street is the Spanish Arch and the Quays which are lined with bars and pubs, all the areas are pleasant to walk around and to soak up the atmosphere. Finally as the sun was starting to set we decided we couldn’t procrastinate any longer and we drove back to Dublin.

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