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Trendy Brunch Spots in Kiev

Brunch is staple part of my diet.


Where would I be without a casual mid-morning avo toast or spicy shakshuka?

In every destination I visit I google the top brunch places and so far it seems that the world agrees with me; there are tons of articles on who has the best pancakes in every city. Luckily, Kiev was no different.

During our short weekend trip we managed to check out 3 hot spots for breakfast – all of which were excellent so I wanted to share the deets.

Favourite Uncle – Lyubimyi Dyadya

Let’s be real – we picked this place due to the name. Favourite Uncle sounded homely and slightly quirky which as it turns out, describes this cafe perfectly. We walked in and instantly loved the library / modern workspace vibe. Rows of books lined the walls and the comfy sofa / arm chair seating made you feel right at home. Looking around we could see several millennials tapping away at their Apple laptops in a quiet corner.

The shaksuka was delicious and served with some tasty warm pita with different dipping sauces.

During the course of our meal we saw several tasty looking treats waltz past us and decided we had to try one. We opted for the “Kiev Cake” which was described as a meringue crust with hazelnuts and chocolate glaze. The presentation was lovely and the taste was most unusual for a cake – it was crunchy and crisp as opposed to fluffy, but still very nice.

Milk Bar

The Milk Bar in Kiev came up on nearly every list of places to go for brunch / breakfast. Perhaps this should have been a warning sign as it was the first place in Kiev where we had to queue for a table.

This cute cafe has gone for a rolled out of bed and came down to the kitchen table vibe – quite literally as all the staff are in pyjamas.

When we scouted around waffles seemed to be the thing to order so we followed suit. The service was honestly a bit ropey – it took the sleepy vibe to the extreme – but the food was good and it was an excellent spot to watch the who’s who of Kiev.

The Cake

As it says on the tin this place is all about cake. You will be hard pushed to find your average vanilla sponge cake here, instead The Cake focuses on designer sweet treats with creative designs and decorations.

I am always down to have cake for breakfast but as I was with company I had to pretend I had a slightly healthier palate and opted for my favourite Shakshuka with a matcha latte and a green smoothie. While I type this I realise I really need to branch out more. Eoghan ordered a delicious looking granola parfait so at least I have photos of other items on the menu.

Sadly we didn’t have time to check out any other brunch venues but if you want to read more about our trip you check it out here: “Why Kiev needs to be on your wish list”


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