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With Love From Bruges

Day Trip to Bruges

Before this trip my only exposure to Bruges was the film, aptly named “In Bruges”.

Thankfully this visit involved far less bloodshed.

Every guidebook / blog I looked at on Belgium highly recommended a trip to Bruges especially for its beer, chocolate, mussels and frites.

I can proudly say we checked off all of them from our list.

We started our food focused adventure by wandering the streets in search of waffles.

Once we found them we took so many photos that the waffles nearly went cold, still delicious though!

Before indulging in more food we ambled along to the clock tower. Unfortunately we were a little too relaxed about getting there as we arrived to find a huge queue and after waiting for over an hour we were told the tower was closed and no more guests were being let up!

So frustrating! To make up for it we had some chocolate.

Obviously we couldn’t just have any chocolate. So we went from shop to shop in search of the perfect type before eventually settling on Leonidas!

As the sun started to set we explored a little more of the town before it got too dark.

The canals in Bruges are gorgeous and several cruises leave each hour from along the banks.

It started getting quite chilly which I used as the perfect excuse to go and buy a new jumper. In a rather boring move, I stuck to mainstream shops like Zara in my hunt for something warm but there were several adorable looking boutiques dotted around the place as well.

For dinner we stuck to the plan and sat down to mussels and frites, and just to add to the health we ordered some Belgian beers as well!

I think Belgium cuisine is fast becoming one of my favourites!

I’m not usually a beer drinker but I really enjoyed my Brugge Zot, so much so that we went for round two at a cosy pub around the corner called The Vintage.

That about wraps up our day trip to Bruges! Here is a quick summary of what to do:

  1. Do: walk by the Canals – or take a cruise

  2. See: the view from the Clock Tower – go early, be prepared to queue

  3. Eat: mussels and frites – there are several spots around Bruges, we went to a place on Het Zand

  4. Shop: chocolate shopping is the way to spend a great afternoon in Bruges – there are literally so many shops to choose from

  5. Drink: Belgium beer is a must try (non-alcoholic brews available in most places). We went to The Vintage which was a tiny cosy pub with a warm atmosphere


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